I have posted several times on the topic of graphene. There is considerable interest in other two-dimensional (2D) materials. I would like to point out two recent papers.
S Butler, et al., ACS Nano, 2013, 7 (4), pp 2898–2926
“Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities in Two-Dimensional Materials Beyond Graphene”
This is a big review (29 pages, 340 references) with an experimental emphasis. It encompasses four major sections: known syntheses and preparation strategies, sample characterization techniques, bulk vs. single/few layer electronic behavior, and applications. It is quite readable by the non-specialist.
(The paper can be found on-line.)
S Lebègue, et al., Phys. Rev. X 3, 031002 (2013)
“Two-Dimensional Materials from Data Filtering and Ab Initio Calculations”
The emphasis of this theoretical paper is to identify previously unknown 2D materials which may have interesting properties. Running through a database of crystollographic structures, the authors select bulk materials according to their unit cell packing ratios and the gap between adjacent c-planes. The geometries of the corresponding single layer structures are optimized, driving the forces on the constituent atoms toward zero. As a last step, the band structure and density of states are determined for each candidate structure. This process resulted in 92 2D candidate compounds.